Impact Wrestling Results – July 5th, 2018

Allie and Madison Rayne are interviewed by Alicia. Madison is glad to have someone who walked through the darkness and came out as her partner. Allie said she should have listened to Rosemary. But she knows now she needs both light and darkness inside her. So it looks like she still is carrying some of that darkness.

Su Yung & her undead maid of honor vs. Allie & Madison Rayne

The faces are in synch early on but the heels take control with Allie the face in peril.

When Rayne finally tags in, it looks like she has the win over the bridesmaid when the other bridesmaids start distracting. Allie clears out the rest of them on the floor but Su tries to deliver the Panic Switch. As she’s spinning Madison, the ref gets knocked.

Madison fights out and hits her finish but the ref isn’t there to count it. While he’s down, Tessa Blanchard runs to the ring and starts laying into Rayne. But Allie fights Tessa off. Madison recovers to deliver Cross Rayne to the bridesmaid for the win.

Winners: Allie & Madison.

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